Saturday I was incredibly lazy, and besides going sock shopping and walking around aimlessly, I did little other than nap and watch movies.
Sunday, however, I went to my favorite museum in Paris. This is my third visit, and I look forward to going back the next time I'm in Paris! And the time after that, and the time after that, ...
What is this museum? It goes by more than one name:
Musée National du Moyen Age (National Museum of the Middle Ages)
Musée Cluny (Cluny Museum-- Cluny was the guy (I think) who founded the Sorbonne)
Le Musée le Plus Chouette de Paris (the coolest museum in Paris, and this is, as far as I know, a name only used by me)
So, here are some pictures!
This is me by the Seine. I took a picture of some Italian people, and since I was holding my camera the lady offered to take a picture of me. If my smile looks forced, it's because she took about 30 seconds to chose the perfect angle, and I was wondering when she would press the button.
This is the view in the courtyard of the Musée du Moyen Age. It's in a castle, which makes the museum even cooler. There's a well with a gargoyle, lots of very short doors, crazy cobblestones... heaven.
This is a detail of some of the stone work over one of the doors. It's gorgeous, and there is detail like this all over the place.
I mentioned before about how the heads of the Gallery of Kings at Notre Dame were lopped off during the revolution. Here are some of the original heads! The ones on Notre Dame are recreations.
This is (probably) a playing card that was unearthed somewhere. You can't tell from the picture, but it's about 6 by 3 inches.
Here's a sheet of music. It's from the era where a stave had four lines, and length of notes was often denoted by how long the little solid rectangles were. It's interesting to look at.
The chapel of the castle is absolutely incredible. I didn't get any good pictures of the murals on the walls, but I got a great one of the ceiling. If you enlarge the picture, you can see the detail better.
This is a wooden statue of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. It cracked me up because Jesus is holding up two fingers in a modern "peace" gesture, and because he has a very spiky halo. In the Middle Ages, statues were painted. Even the cathedrals were once very colorful, but the paint wasn't replaced once it wore off. Sometimes you can see little hints of color, but it's rare.
Voilà! Such a wonderful museum.
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